Page 17 - КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ_ЮНК_2021
P. 17

Project objectives:
         •   To explore how space exploration contributes to better health care;
         •   To study how space technologies are used in everyday life;
         •   To analyze how space exploration can help protect our planet, the
             environment and improve security on Earth;
         •   To substantiate that space exploration contributes to scientific discoveries;
         •   To explore how space exploration develops cooperation between countries;
         •   To study space technologies and plans for the future;
         •   To substantiate that space exploration encourages youth interest in science;

         •   To conduct a survey among high school students.
                       In the process of project execution, I gained a lot of new knowledge
         about space exploration, which I can share with others. I gained experience in
         conducting a sociological survey and analyzing data, which will be useful for me
         in my further studies at the university. I have created an educational presentation.

                       The practical significance of our research lies in the fact that it can be
         used by schoolchildren to improve their educational level. Based on the data from
         the survey of students at the school, an action plan can be developed to raise the
         awareness of high school students about modern space programs, achievements in
         the space industry and their application in everyday life. You can conduct an
         integrated lesson of English and astronomy, English and ecology, contests and
         quizzes. The material of the project can be used for conducting English lessons.

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