Page 11 - КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ_ЮНК_2021
P. 11

воздействие на развитие технологий и на жизнь людей, поэтому проблема
        научных исследований космоса актуальна сегодня.

                      Практическая значимость нашего исследования заключается в
        том, что оно может быть использовано школьниками для повышения своего
        образовательного        уровня.      Можно       провести      интегрированный         урок
        английского языка и астрономии, английского языка и экологии. Материал
        проекта может быть использован для проведения уроков английского языка
        по теме «Экология».

                      In 2021, the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space is
        celebrated all over the world. In Russia, this year has been declared the Year of
        Science and Technology. Space exploration is one of the main directions of
        scientific and technological progress. Space exploration has a powerful impact on

        the development of technology and on human life, so the problem of scientific
        space research is relevant today.
                      We often talk about the benefits of space exploration and very rarely
        about the problems arising in connection with the development of space
        technologies. And this is a very important issue that needs to be raised along with
        the discussion of the benefits that space exploration gives us. What are the
        problems associated with the exploration of outer space?
                      Purpose of      the work: to examine the negative aspects of space

                      In the process of project execution, I gained new knowledge about

        the exploration of outer space, which I can share with other schoolchildren. I
        studied new vocabulary in English related to the topic "Space" and compiled a
        vocabulary on this topic. Gained experience in conducting questionnaires and data
        analysis. Created a presentation.
                      The practical significance of our research lies in the fact that it can be
        used by schoolchildren to improve their educational level. It is possible to conduct
        an integrated lesson of English and astronomy, English and ecology, The material

        of the project can be used to conduct English lessons.

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